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Family Place ...

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A Place Where Families Matter

The Program...

A Family Place program provides education, case management, emergency assistance and support to 35 women and children considered at-risk because of issues related to domestic violence or poverty.

Credentialed instructors from the Santa Clara Adult Educational Center offer participating mothers with instruction in parenting, health, nutrition, consumer education, and English as a Second Language, while the children are included in a full range of activities in our Child Development Center.

For fiscal year 1995 - 1996
224 clients were served.

Georgia Travis

A Place for Caring
A Place for Learning

The Family Place offers a variety of services to homeless and low-income families who live in San Jose. The program is free, and any woman who has at least one child under five years of age is eligible to participate. The program operates Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A hot lunch is included in the daily routine.

Women participate in the program twice a week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday.

Regular activities include English as a Second Language, parenting, health and nutrition, life skills, along with arts and crafts. There is also a special emphasis on preventing child abuse and domestic violence. Several community agencies come in to the program to perform workshops on topics ranging from legal affairs to crime prevention. Medical services are also provided by a pediatrician and public health nurses.

The Family Place provides both the mothers and the children the opportunity to develop socially, emotionally and physically. Parents and children need their own activities. By providing these, the Family Place reduces much of the stress of being homeless or in marginal, overcrowded housing. The women who participate in the program have a rare chance to socialize and network with their peers. The children have access to a play yard and many fun, educational activities.

The Family Place philosophy emphasizes healthy family interactions both formally and informally. An important goal of Family Place is to foster in the families a greater sense of accomplishment and a positive self-image.


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